Metal Signage

Our Art Metal Signage are metalastic if you’re looking to sectioning out areas without having the need to erect walls. They efficiently maximise area to give your living or office space a capacious and aesthetic appearance.

SMOKE® Brainy Singapore-based designers created these unique and intricate artwork designs, our metal signage or dividers allow a consistent flow of fresh air and natural light throughout your home. Out goes the boring metal signage as we will dump it into the trash, get trendy, funky and happy with our artisanal signage from now.

ligthing-up-your-furture metal signage
These multifunctional art metal signage can be customized as dividers , window shade , company’s stand alone statement signage. It can be mounted on windows, walls or placed on ground supported by a full customized solid wooden log or specially cast concrete beam or a metal customized welded industrial metal frame.

These unconventional designs add character to your homes , offices and allow more flexibility for re-sectioning, especially with open-concept-layouts. So, time to let your creative minds run wild.


Metal Window Shade

Make art not war metal signage

SMOKE® Art Metal Signage and Divider

Our Smoke Metal Signage was design, customized into a Mermaid Rust-Effect Metal Dividers functionalities to tells a story of a mermaid who falls in love with a pirate and never leaves his side despite all their hardships, teaching us that love knows no boundaries. This art piece was showcased in a production called “Happy Prince” featured on a local MediaCorp TV Channel 8.
Each inspired piece is delicately design , cut and finished with unique effects for special corners of your home or attention seeking metal signage for your corporate statement. They do not only feature inspirational designs but also emote meaningful messages.

From designs inspired by The Beatles to feelings of Love, these pieces are set to evoke the emotions of its beholder.
Ample time, precision and effort goes into the creation of every wall dividers, making it completely distinguished and unlike any other.
Explore our wide range of unique, artisan and soulful designs.

astrology-wip-metal signage
Astrology metal signage
astrology-wip metal signage

Metal Window Shade

Metal work in progress metal signage
Astrology Metal Signage

The Most Unique Metal Signage and Room Divider in Singapore

metal divider
metal divider
Wooden stand metal signage
Astronaut metal room divider with wooden base

Wooden Stand Metal Signage and Divider

Wooden metal signage work in progress
V60 Pour Over
V60 Pour Over Bespoke Metal Stand
V60 Customizable Bespoke Stand

Art has no boundaries. So naturally, our collection doesn’t limit to those featured here.Feel free to have your future signage and dividers custom made with a design that resonates dearly to you. So, which will it be?

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